Category: hate


A Silent Call to the EDSA Generation

History books and heroes carried an EDSA that was about setting things right in the Philippines, and maybe some of them had the right idea, but mostly, the context of that demonstration was misunderstood....


Mr. Lenin’s Democracy (updated 04-14-2016)

They were freedom fighters, and revolution became synonymous with them.   But decades later, they became nightmarish regimes that terrified the imagination and subjugated millions.  Dystopia and totalitarianism became synonymous with them.   What happened?  Why...

For Better or For Worse: Cuba, Pakistan, Kosovo 3

For Better or For Worse: Cuba, Pakistan, Kosovo

Everywhere there seems to be a feeling of fatigue for one failed system after another, and movements (like Obama’s, which seems to be sweeping the United States) have begun to spring up, maybe not...

Gloria Arroyo and the Hitler Complex 4

Gloria Arroyo and the Hitler Complex

We are forever frustrated by the continued existence of Gloria Arroyo as President. But would you have stood up to Hitler’s Germany? And can you really stand up to Arroyo’s Philippines?

Happily Ever After 1

Happily Ever After

We live in a cynical world. In our search for Love and Happiness, we found only pain and suffering. In our labors to find the goodness of the human heart, we have found only...