Topic: God and Man

These are my posts pertaining to Faith and God.  A brief explanation follows each item:

1. Finding our Good Samaritans.   The genuine love for your neighbour, to the point where it hurts, is discussed here.   This is the test of true love: the love for your fellow man, the one you easily take for granted and claim as having.

2. God is an Embarrasment in our LivesYou will have to read it to fully take it.

3. Sainthood and the Moral Horizon.  Why are saints such fictional creatures in our society?

4. Just Wages and the Kingdom of GodSometimes what you deserve and what you want are two different things.  Also, social justice.

5. Why does Evil Happen to the Good?  Why does pain befall the best of us?

6. Prayer in Times of CalamityPrayer in times of pain.

7. Prayer During DisastersPrayer in times of pain.