The Patron Saint(s) of Bloggers

In my research for potential patron saints for bloggers, the obvious choice suggested was Saint Isidore of Seville, who in his time convened several Councils and wrote an Encyclopedia about Everything (this is an abridged version of what he accomplished.  I’ll edit this post as I get more information)

But bloggers are more than just characterized by their passion in the Internet, but also of a passion in writing.   And researching for the patron saint of writers, I found that Saint Francis de Sales emerges as a clear choice.

So in a sense, to those wanting guidance in their blogs, you can look to the Holy Paraclete/Holy Spirit for guidance (of course), but also you can invoke these two saints combined to give you guidance through the Web and in writing.


Here is a prayer of Saint Isidore of Sevile (copied from this link here):

Here we are before thee, O Holy Ghost.
We feel the burden of our infirmities,
but we are united all together in Thy name:
come to us, help us, enter into our hearts:
teach us what we should do,
the path to follow,
do for us what Thou askest us to do.
Be the only one to propose and guide our decisions,
because only Thou, with the Father and the Son,
hast a name that is glorious and holy.
Do not allow us to offend justice,
Thou, who lovest order and peace,
Let not ignorance lead us astray,
Let not human sympathy bias us,
Do not let people or office influence us.
Keep us intimately close to Thee
with the gift of Thy Grace,
so that we may be only one thing with Thee,
and nothing may separate us from the Truth.
Gathered in Thy Holy Name,
may we be good and firm,
so that all we do may be in one accord with Thee,
awaiting that the faithful fulfillment of our duty
may lead us to the eternal good. Amen.

And here is the prayer from Saint Francis de Sales (a novena, taken  from this link):

O Blessed Francis de Sales,
who in your mortal life did excel in all virtues,
especially in love of God and of neighbor,
I earnestly entreat you to take me under your immediate protection,
to obtain from God my perfect conversion,
and that of all sinners, especially of

(the names of persons for whom you wish to pray should be mentioned here).

Teach me, O Father,
to fix my eyes on heaven,
that I may generously trample under foot
every obstacle that presents itself in my way,
and attain that degree of glory
which You in Your mercy hold out to me.
Obtain also that particular favor for which I now pray.

(mention intention)

Assist us, O Lord, we beseech You,
through the merits of St. Francis de Sales.
That what our endeavors cannot obtain may be given us by his intercession.

Let us pray:

O God, who for the salvation of souls,
did will that St. Francis de Sales,
Your confessor and bishop,
should become all things to all men and women,
mercifully grant that we,
infused with the gentleness of his charity,
guided by his teachings,
and sharing in his merits,
may obtain eternal happiness.
Through Christ our Lord.



Granted that the prayers themselves are not about writing or the Internet, but you can add a petition after St. Isidore’s prayer, and St. Francis de Sales’ has a petition you can ask.