Readings on the EDSA Revolution

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The following references are available at Amazon, and provide great sources on EDSA

1.   Impossible Dream: The Marcoses, the Aquinos, and the Unfinished Revolution: The EDSA Movement, for better or worse, revolved around these figures.  And for the most part, it really remained an unfinished revolution.

You can find a copy of the book in this link: Here

2.  Corazon Aquino: The Story of a Revolution: Possibly an optimistic account of the events that started it all, and the figure that became the reluctant political center.

You can find a copy of the book in this link: Here

3.  Taming People’s Power: The EDSA Revolutions and their Contradictions: I recommended this in another post, and it basically approaches the EDSA Movement from a pragmatic and grounded perspective.

You can find a copy of the book in this link: Here

4. Corazon Aquino and the Brushfire Revolution – A good insight into the first EDSA Revolution

You can find a copy of the book in this link: Here

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